Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear friends...♥

English text follows




Thank you very much for your birthday messages(*˘˘*).。. I appreciate how we can keep in touch on fb/blog and exchange our moment of life.

I must be under a spell of India!
Just spending a day thinking about this moment to be happy, I am so fulfilled.
( It is true that sometimes you have to really focus and try hard to get through the day and no time to think about tomorrow because this is India you know!)
So I want to keep trying to listen to a calling of my heart and be ready to go easily and freely wherever it feels right, do something good to the world even if it is small, and grow as a human just like all the nature do.

So please stop by in this country while I am here, there is something special here;-) By the way, this pic is with lovely Sivananda Yoga Delhi members.
Excuse me my dirty white pants with chocolate cakes as I am not used to eat cakes with hands yet.....⁽⁽(*꒪ั❥꒪ั*)⁾⁾
Thank you all for letting me alive as the way I am, keep in touch. Love